The members of Bexley Music Primary Choir were congratulated personally by Councillor Baroness O'Neill of Bexley OBE and the Chief Executive of the London Borough of Bexley last night, on their outstanding performance in the King's 2023 Christmas message.

Councillor Baroness O’Neill, accompanied by the Borough's new Chief Executive, Paul Thorogood, met with the children at Belmont Academy, where Bexley Music is based.

The young choir, comprising 35 6–11-year-olds from four primary schools across Bexley, had the unique honour of participating in the annual broadcast, which was watched by millions of people across the world.

Filmed at Buckingham Palace in December, the children received huge praise for both their fantastic performance and their conduct.

Baroness O’Neill thanked the children and staff for their hard work, and for representing the Borough so well. She gave each child a gift and certificate, and said to them:

"Your performance during the King's Christmas message was spectacular. You have made Bexley very proud and we are very grateful for your hard work.

“Thank you also to the Head of Bexley Music, Julie Stanning, who made this incredible event happen, along with other staff who supported. Your dedication to ensuring music is accessible to all children across our Borough is much appreciated and so important.

“Well done to every single one of you, what a wonderful opportunity for everyone involved.”

Solo performances were given by two Bexley Music pupils, who had taken part in the Buckingham Palace event: 15-year-old Binu Tennakoon who sang ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ and Sofia Gkatsou (18) who performed ‘Syrinx’ by Debussy on the flute.

Attendees at the event, which included the Choir members and their parents, also got to watch their Christmas performance once again, on a big screen.

Head of Bexley Music, Julie Stanning said:

We are incredibly proud of our choir, vocal soloist and instrumentalists. The children’s enthusiasm and dedication were clear to see in their outstanding performance. This recognition from Baroness O’Neill and Bexley Council is a real honour for us all and very much appreciated.”

Thanking everyone for attending, Neil Miller, DCEO of London South East Academies Trust added:

“Bexley Music is such an important part of our Trust. We are committed to ensuring children across all our schools can access the many benefits that music education brings.

“The Bexley Music Primary Choir did a stunning job at Christmas and we are delighted that the Borough have recognised their achievements in this way. We are grateful to Baroness O’Neill and to Paul Thorogood for their ongoing support.”

Speaking about the experience of performing at Buckingham Palace, Bexley Music pupils said:

Binu (15), Vocal Soloist

"The experience was surreal. It was also quite nerve wracking but having the Bexley Music community around me calmed my nerves. I joined Bexley Music in Year 4 and it's had such an impact on my life, including many friendships."

Sofia (18), Flute Soloist

"Performing at Buckingham Palace was the best experience I've ever had. I didn't know what to expect but it was simply amazing and I've thought about it a lot since. I'd advise anyone thinking about joining Bexley Music to do it, try everything and take every opportunity! I've applied to study music performance at University, so will be carrying on my music journey."

Darasimi (11), Choir Member

It was such an exciting day and today is exciting too! I love how I get to perform in so many places with Bexley Music.

Onyinyechi (11), Choir Member

"Singing at Buckingham Palace was beautiful and exciting. I love Bexley Music as it is fun and I've got lots of friends here."

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